Get Moving

Power up your progress with delegation, systems and accountability

How we get you moving

Gain a deeper understanding of your business so you can start working on it, instead of in it. By fully understanding your business, you can improve the way it operates.

Understand your numbers

In this stage of business growth, we conduct an annual review and planning meeting to take a look at your financials and tax figures. We offer you advice on the costing of your products and services to ensure you are making a healthy profit.

Delegate bookkeeping

By delegating time-consuming tasks like bookkeeping work, you can spend more time doing high-value work. We can help you with your bookkeeping, so you don't have to stress over the little things.

Systematise and automate your business

By creating easily repeatable processes and systems, you can save time in running your business. We can advise on how to use Xero to automate tasks and how to develop in-house procedures.

Minimise tax

Our annual tax strategy meeting will provide you with proactive tax advice. There we will discuss appropriate business deductions, CGT discounts and small business concessions as well as tax offsets and government incentives.

Forecast cash flow and capital needs

We can advise you on additional software to use, such as Spotlight Reporting, which can help with cash flow forecasting. Fathom software can provide a 'what-if' analysis of your business, while information is on hand for those seeking bank or fintech funding.

Quarterly coaching and accountability

We catch up with you at quarterly coaching meetings to review key business metrics, set short-term goals for the quarter and keep you moving forward at a steady pace.

Ready to get moving towards your business goals?

Get in touch today if you want to learn how to make your business more efficient and save yourself bags of time.

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